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Skincare, Good Beauty

Is Retinol Sandwiching Effective?

AimeeC contributor

In the hunt for effective skincare that leaves skin feeling youthful and refreshed, there is never a shortage of new trends that just might make their way into your routine. “Retinol sandwiching” is one of the newest skincare steps that is sweeping the country, but is the hype over this regimen worth it? Though you’re not literally cooking up anything in the kitchen when it comes to retinol sandwiching, you may be cooking up something worthwhile for your skin in the long run (no pun intended). What is retinol sandwiching, and is it worth the hype? Read on to find out!

What Is Retinol Sandwiching?

Retinol sandwiching involves applying layers of moisturizer before and after applying a retinol product. You may be surprised to know that retinol sandwiching has already been a thing since way back when, but a recent social media craze has brought back the step into the public eye. The reason for retinol sandwiching is to reduce those less-than-pleasant side effects of retinol; for example, redness, peeling, and overly-sensitized skin.

Retinol: What It Is And Why You Should Use It:

If you are not familiar with what exactly retinol is, here is the rundown. Retinol is often advertised when it comes to bringing together a worthwhile skincare routine. You may know retinol by its other name: vitamin A. This ingredient is used for a variety of benefits, such as promoting cell turnover, aiding the production of collagen (which boosts skin elasticity, nails, hair, and more), and working in the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.

This is why you may have heard of retinol in the wild, as it is often used in moisturizers, eye creams, and other skincare products. Retinol products are often recommended by dermatologists for nighttime use only, as they can sensitize the skin a lot, which you don’t want to do before stepping out into the harsh rays of the sun.

To Sandwich Or Not To Sandwich?

Now comes the big question: should you consider adding retinol sandwiching to your skincare routine? You may find that if using retinol products is causing a less-than-stellar reaction on your face (i.e. more irritation and redness) then applying this retinol sandwich method may be the right choice for you. By applying moisturizer first, you are allowing the skin to absorb more moisture and leaving less room for the absorption of retinol molecules, which can prevent side effects.

Another benefit of retinol sandwiching is that you can apply retinol products more during the week. Applying a retinol cream or serum is something the skin may only tolerate once a week. However, by providing the additional barrier of the moisturizer, you are diluting the retinol and preventing it from being too much for your skin.

If you are curious to give retinol sandwiching a try, go for a moisturizer that works for your skin and leaves you feeling refreshed and hydrated to apply before a retinol product. Retinol sandwiching may be the perfect elevation for your skincare routine, so take the plunge!