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Wellness, Good Health

The Healing Touch of Animals: A Look at the Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy

TatevG contributor

The Power of Animals: How Our Furry Friends Are Helping Us Heal

Did you know animals can impact physical and mental health? In recent years, scientists have studied animal-assisted therapy (AAT) benefits.

AAT is a type of therapy involving animals to treat various conditions, including psychiatric illnesses, hospice care, and pediatric care. The history of AAT can be traced back to ancient times when animals were used for their therapeutic benefits. However, modern AAT began in the mid-20th century, when dogs were first used to comfort hospital patients.

Today, AAT is a popular form of therapy in many settings, including psychiatric hospitals, hospices, and children's hospitals. In these settings, animals help patients with various conditions, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and chronic pain. The presence of animals can also help patients to develop social skills and improve their ability to interact with others.

In psychiatric hospitals, AAT is often complementary to traditional psychotherapy and medication. Animals like dogs, cats, and horses help patients relax and feel more comfortable. The presence of animals can also help patients to develop social skills and improve their ability to interact with others.

In hospices, AAT is often used to comfort patients nearing the end of their lives. Animals like dogs and cats provide companionship and emotional support to patients and their families.

In children's hospitals, AAT is used to help children cope with illness and hospitalization. Animals like dogs and horses help children feel more relaxed and comfortable during medical procedures. AAT can also help children to develop social skills and improve their ability to interact with others.

But the benefits of animals go beyond just AAT. Research has shown that interacting with animals can positively impact people's mental health and well-being and that spending time with animals can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Some studies suggest that owning pets can have physical health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease.

So why do animals have such a powerful effect on us? Scientists believe it involves releasing hormones like oxytocin and dopamine, associated with feelings of pleasure and bonding. When we interact with animals, our bodies release these hormones, which can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve our mood and overall well-being.

Animals have a profound positive impact on people's physical and mental health. From providing comfort and companionship in healthcare settings to reducing stress and anxiety daily, animals can bring joy and heal into our lives. So the next time you feel down, why not spend time with a furry friend? You never know how much of a difference it could make.

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