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Careers, Good Business

Words to Live By: The Best Advice I've Ever Received

TatevG contributor

From Kindness to Accountability: Lessons in Personal Development from Wise Mentors

As I reflect on the best advice anyone has ever given me, it's not hard to think back to the wise words of my aunt, who told me that the best investment I can make in myself is through education. At the time, I didn't fully understand the gravity of her statement, but as I grew older, her words rang true in every aspect of my life.

Whether formal or informal, education can open up a world of opportunities and give you the tools and knowledge to succeed in any field. It can give you the confidence to tackle new challenges, broaden your horizons, and inspire you to strive for greatness. Moreover, education is a lifelong journey that never ends and can help you evolve into a better version of yourself.

My aunt's words inspired me to pursue higher education, opening up numerous doors and opportunities that I never thought possible. Teaching helped me to develop critical thinking skills, enhanced my problem-solving abilities, and exposed me to different cultures and ways of thinking.

But this advice's beauty is that it does not just apply to formal education. It can also be used in everyday life. Whether reading books, attending seminars, or learning new skills, education is the key to unlocking your full potential.

So I urge you, dear GoodFeed reader, to invest in yourself through education. Take that course you've always wanted to take, read that book you've been putting off, or attend that workshop you've meant to follow. You will be surprised at how much you will gain from experience.

Now, I want to turn it over to you, the reader. What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Share your story with us, and let's inspire each other to become the best versions of ourselves.

In addition to my aunt's advice, I asked my team to share the best advice anyone has ever given them, and their responses were just as inspiring.

  • Pre-internet, I tried to tattle on our spelling test answers being written on the wall. Yes, I am that person. My teacher said, and I live by this daily, "Being smart isn't knowing information; it's knowing where to find it."

  • Don't burn bridges because you never know when to cross them again.

  • It's very easy to want to rage-quit a job or ruin a relationship for your pride's sake, but if you can keep a cool head and leave things on good terms, you may be setting yourself up for good opportunities in the future. Keep your connections in your pocket for a rainy day!

  • I used to second doubt myself playing down certain uncomfortable scenarios. The best advice was to always trust my gut, which never failed me. Trust your instinct when you feel that something is off because your gut doesn't know how to lie.

These pieces of advice have one thing in common: they encourage personal growth and development. Whether through education, kindness, openness to new ideas, or personal accountability, these pieces of advice can help us become better people and positively impact the world around us.

So, I encourage you to take these pieces of advice to heart and to reflect on the best advice you have ever received. Share your story with us, and let's inspire each other to become the best versions of ourselves.

#InspiringPerspectives #MentorWisdom #AccountabilityIsKey #KindnessMatters #WordsToLiveBy #NeverStopLearning #PersonalGrowthJourney #AdviceFromLovedOnes