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People, Good Culture

3 Things That Happened When I Changed My Delivery Apps to Male Names

jascmeen contributor

Went ahead and swapped that Uber, too.

I didn’t become addicted to delivery apps during Covid and the nightlife isn’t what earned me Uber Platinum status. I was an early adopter to delivery apps and enjoy the luxury of getting food and groceries delivered or being escorted in an Uber Black if I get even the slightest inkling that parking will be anything less than convenient.

Upcharges and secret fees aside, I started to wonder if some repeat offenses I was receiving across apps were due to the fact that drivers could see that I was a woman by my name.

DoorDashers were taking too many liberties with item replacements, Postmates were leaving my food wherever and missing instructions, Ubers were DMing me DURING THE RIDE (even though I was doing the usual “this is my brother’s house, I’m on my way to meet my uncle routines.)

I got the bright idea to change all my apps to a male name and here’s what’s happened so far:

1. Suggestions and replacements stopped entirely

I’ve had shoppers send pics, make their own swaps, etc. if they can’t find a particular item. Under my new identity, a simple plain-ass JOHN — that’s over. If they don’t see what I want, they pass. John gives a no-frills vibe and they respect it.

2. Ubers don’t ask if this is my home

Using a man’s Uber account gives either he’s sending me home or he sent the car and is expecting me. Literally no driver asks if I live at the pick up point, how much my rent is, who I live with or anything.

3. No knocks

Postmates and DoorDashers leave my food in front of my door and go. They don’t wait to see me and even if they happen to they know not to ask for my number or Insta since there could be a man in the apartment and I’m just answering the door.

I’d like to think of this as the equivalent of putting a pair of men’s shoes outside my door or using a man’s voice on my answering machine (a hilarious thing to type, btw) all of which are pieces of advice from my grandmother. Good news, Granny, I'm doing the same thing, basically. Bad news is that this is something I have to do in the first place.

#uber #postmates