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Wellness, Good Health

My Favorite Daily Affirmations and Why They Work For Me


Affirmations are positive statements that with repetition can help you create changes.

One of my favorite quotes is "Whether you believe you can do something or can't do something, you're right." It's the words, thoughts, ideas that we tell ourselves that create not only our inner reality, but our outside one too. Self confidence is a powerful thing. When Henry Ford quoted that, he was emphasizing the power of getting what you want out of life is to already believe that you have it. Manifestation, whether you believe it or not, all comes down to the energy and intention behind what you think or say. Our mind can either be for us or against us so it's important to be aware of the thoughts we think on a daily basis.

For me, positive affirmations are such a quick and easy thing to implement into my life and routine. They've helped me build self-confidence and has even helped me attract better things in my life! I know it's no magic quick fix thing, but affirmations are known for shifting your mindset and helps achieve the goals you have for yourself.

Here are my core favorite daily affirmations and what they mean to me.

"Everything I want, wants me too. "

This one's pretty self explanatory but putting out a positive and optimistic vibe that everything I'm attracted to is on the same level of what I can achieve, helps so much. No goal or dream is too big because if I really want something, it means there's something in me that knows I can get it.

"Universe, show me how good it gets!"

​This one I learned from TikTok. When I first started using this every morning, there was some type of weight that lifted off of me and as the day would unfold, I kept receiving opportunities or blessings. What you ask for, you shall receive so when you're asking how much better can my life get - life delivers.

"Everything is always working out FOR me, not against me."

This one always shifts my anxious mind because it reminds me that what's meant for me won't pass me by. If I don't get the job I want, it's because it was better in my head than in reality. If the guy I like doesn't like me back, it's because he's not my future husband. I can't mess up what's already destined for me.

"If not this, then something better."

Ahhh, one of my favorite ones... A little similar to the previous one, but this one is short & sweet and reminds me that if something isn't working out for me right now, there's something even better in the works. There was a story I heard of about a little girl holding a stuffed bear toy on stage. And God/Universe says, "Hey, just let go of that bear. I have a better surprise for you." Of course, she doesn't want to let go of it. But then you see that behind the curtain, there's a huge stuffed bear waiting for her. This goes to say that once you let go of something that's not serving you (even though it may be hard to see at the time) you're making space for something even better to fill it. Most times, there's something better behind-the-scenes waiting for us.

​Now it's your turn! Time to find affirmations that really resonate with you and get to manifesting. Some quick tips to get you started:

#1) Pick affirmations that are in alignment with your goals

#2) Make sure your affirmations are positive and affirmative

#3) Say your affirmations out loud, with conviction!

#4) Repeat your affirmations throughout the day! (I keep them on sticky notes on my bulletin board where I work in front of every day so they're easy to see)

#manifestations #manifesting #affirmations