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Nightlife, Good Culture

Midnight is the new 3am.


Partying never gets old for me, it’s just the way I party has forever changed. I feel more wiser about what I want from the nightlife world, graduating from those all nighters to a more refined experience. It’s a new kind of party in my 30s and I love it that way. Here is my checklist before a 1130pm start!

Drinking is no longer the main focus.

The priority list has shifted and other items have climbed up in my list. There’s a purpose to having a night out now, as I find myself going more to tastings rather than bingeing, smaller scale concerts instead of standing parties. It’s a refined taste I acquired over time.

All parties should be daytime parties.

Gone are the days of saying yes to any party, staying up all night and dancing till your feet can’t no more. My priorities have changed especially with the beauty of a day party that has become the night party for me and knowing when to call it. Back in the day, pre gaming started late, leaving the door was later and arriving home from the club was silly o’clock. I now love my sleep more in my 30s and find myself catching sunsets over sunrises, plus partying in the day is more laxed from the crowd to the fashion, so it’s a win-win for me.

Why is it so loud though?

It used to be where the music is blaring so loud that you can barely hear your friends dishing out their relationship stories, we were there for the dance offs and good times whereas now, it’s about the important conversations and connections. I want the ambiance, but I also want to wake up with no ringing noise the next day. It’s a fine line.

Until then, I will be indoors watching Netflix and having the time of my life.
